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Radical Portability

Turning bulky, complicated baby products into adventure and travel ready gear. 

What makes our portability radical?

Changing the fundamentals of portability wasn’t a walk in the park. It required radical new designs. Like inventing industry-first folding technology. Twice! 

Taking products that have been a pain for generations of parents and designing them to be easier to use for this generation.

Why is folding in three dimensions better?

Folding strollers have been around for decades. But, they've always folded in two dimensions, like a clamshell. 

This makes for a quick, easy fold but it's followed by a big, cumbersome folded shape. Often, parents have to remove the wheels to make that type of stroller fit into their car (or through airport scanners). 

Folding in three dimensions at once eliminates that hassle. The wheels nest. Making for a quick, easy fold and the smallest possible folded shape. 

Roam Crossover Stroller

3D Nesting Fold Technology

Portability or durability? You don’t have to choose. 3D Nesting Fold Technology makes it possible for the Roam to fold 50% smaller than other jogging strollers. While maintaining all-terrain strength. From cobblestone to Yellowstone, bring on the bumpy roads and big smiles.

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Lotus Travel Crib

3D Z-Fold Technology™

The Lotus' 3D Z-Fold Technology™ allows the crib and bassinet to fold small enough to carry hands-free. Through a busy airport or winding city streets. It unfolds in seconds with no need to hassle with assembly. Making it that much easier for you to recharge once you arrive at your destination.

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